i write, right.
Not 1 but 54 missions. Jealous yet Mr Bond, James Bond?
Look, we would be too if we weren’t assigned the 55th mission - to coppie&paste catchy copy.
We do love working with do-gooders. So when our client approached us with this brief, we lapped it up quicker than a vegan in a falafel shop.
The Mission: make people care, simple*. Specifically, about educating children all across the 54 countries in Africa. Children who earnestly yearn to learn but are rarely given adequate opportunities. Children who, rather than moaning about school, walk miles to get there. Make people care about those children - through copy.
*by simple, I mean we never say no to a challenge.
So we did. Editing their website. Creating their tag: “Making mission impossible, possible.” Crafting persuasive Gofundme’s and letters to investors. We went all in to make people care. Because we care.
Take that Bond.