conspicuously black & white  As a working woman [[of four days]], it should be known that I am entitled to 3 days paid l...

conspicuously black & white 

As a working woman [[of four days]], it should be known that I am entitled to 3 days paid leave from my 7 days blogging extravaganza that I promised. Did I not specify that? Weird that.

Sorry for the blip in the road, but I was in dire need of those consecutive naps. I've been so tired. Partly myself to blame as I don't pop those [certified GP prescribed] iron PILLS that I should be swigging back with [self-prescribed] alcohol laced orange juice #morningroutine.
But hey, when life hands you lemons...[think of something quirky and original to end that cliché phrase with].

In other news, a cute guy on the tube called me pretty and I swear after I morphed into a girl. BAM- just like that all the gender norms that ever existed infiltrated my body. My cells turned pink. Blood rushed fervently to my cheeks, which my melanin cunningly concealed. My hands impulsively twirled my hair. I found myself subserviently making a sandwich. ew said the radical feminist in me. And aw said the liberal feminist in me. Gosh all these feminists nowadays are always in conflict- such a chaotic ideology- am I rite?!?*
*sense the sarcasm pls

BUT BACK TO BUSINESS! This post is all about Art. Whether it be conspicuously black and white or vibrantly yellow (tbt). As I see it, art is expression. Art to me is open and expansive. It is something that I see as incredibly valuable and intrinsic. Even the ones that I look at and don't get, is still art nevertheless. Whether it be a doodle, a sketch, a photography series, the way you dressed up today, the book you’re reading, the book you’re writing, the opinions you express, the opinions you let your face express, your face, your body, you. It may sound hippy-dippy but humans are a work of art. When I scour the faces poking and prodding out of corners in the crammed tube on my way to work- I get profusely overwhelmed by the sheer variety of noses! Not just solely noses [that would be weird], but rather it is the sheer heterogeneity of human kind that gets me every time I’m in a crowded space.
It’s seeing the juxtaposition between a portly elderly man sitting below the overcast of a metro held by slim hands. Or the taut pouted lips of an aged Asian woman peering out the rims of her glasses. Or a distraught businessman whose melancholy eyes whisper sad sad songs.

If you detach yourself and become a mere objective observer, you see these people like art- tangibly bespoke at the core. It’s lovely, overwhelming, but lovely. 
Conspicuously black and white will display some of the art that I’ve made along side some creations from other artists in my life, and other bits and bobs.


I love drawing and have always had a knack for it. But it used to scare me. I use to put a lot of pressure on myself when I did draw. The pressure stems from comparison, from the nagging thought that I’m not good enough to showcase my art. I've always felt that you had to reach this impalpable threshold to refer to yourself as an artist. And that threshold is positioned by some mysterious art deity who dictates who gets into the pearly gates of being a self proclaimed artist.
It's bullshit.
And I know that now. With growing up, my thoughts on expression has become very liberal. If you like it- do it. [obviously that hedonistic statement can be misapplied and problematic in certain scenarios, which is interesting and I will brush over when I write my post about the book ‘Perv’ by Jessie Bering.]

But as a rule of thumb, I think screw all the peripheral doubts and worries and just draw/dance/play tennis/ wear that top or whatever it is. This is harder to actually instil, but the more you take an active decision with anything, the easier it is to gradually implement. I’m also working on squandering doubts- man its hard though.


Genevieve is a creative, who is able to concoct, capture and bring her aesthetic vision to life through the flicker of her lens. Mainly incorporating a conspicuously black and white feel. Plus, she's one of those old friends that has fully firmed her place on my phones 'favourites' list - even though we always miss our calls.

Catch her on insta: @genevieve_detom 



The Whitworth is a great gallery that im fortunate to have near my uni in Manchester, and they had a new Andy Warhol instillation. I enjoy the feeling of being in a gallery with friends, even if sometime I see some modern art as somewhat pretensions at times- I still love it. Maybe its because I revel in pretentiousness whilst at the same time despising its elitist nature…
that sounds elitist and pretentious in itself.

I feel as though this post was a messy splurge but hell, life is a messy splurge at times. Just see the entire
post as a piece of abstract modern art giving an ode to the horrible writings of life [that honestly made no sense] 


p.s the colour series is continuing until I have 7 up- but ive been so busy recently so fingers crossed i will
try so hard to not leave a ridiculous amount of time between each of them. 

tea x 

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  1. Love your drawings, you ARE talented. I know the feeling though, I used to always judge what I was doing and kinda lost interest in drawing because of that. Nowadays I do draw just for fun.

    x Charlotta

    1. Thanks Charlotte! <3
      Yeah this year is the year of shedding self-doubt!! No more putting pressure of yourself for NO reason. And I love that, if you ever feel comfortable sharing- I'd love to see in the dms 😏

      Tea x x

