TEA AND THE AMAZING MULTICOLOURED DUNGAREES ! hi hi ! It was a month ago since I decided to do a blog-a-day for a week, call...


hi hi !
It was a month ago since I decided to do a blog-a-day for a week, calling it the colour collective. Each day, I write some content with some sort of [tenuous to nearly none existent] link between it and a particular colour! 

I'm happy to say I have managed to complete a brand-spanking record of 7 days worth of posts in...2 months. This is where you clap. 
Merci x

[Side note: do all my posts begin with a sentence of self-deprecation???? oh shit yeah, it actually does...what a twat]


1. The first section will be bright. 

A year ago or so, I bought these, like, size 27 denim dungarees. I saw it was size 27, closed my eyes and bought it in hopes of it loving me enough to shrink. Safe to say it was unrequited love, although I loved it enough to expand, it was a bad ass bitch not willing to change for no man/desperate girl. So I embarked on a DIY project to make these jeans work by fire or by force [as my Mumma would say].

First thing I did was to cut off the legs. Otherwise, it would be too overwhelming, Oversized chic taken to its extreme. After cutting the legs, I had to choose between fraying the ends or rolling it up- I went with rolling. Although that makes my bum look like a saggy botched attempt at Kimmy K's tight arse. But it still works. The last alteration I did, came about after the sad sad sad death of my favorite rainbow umbrella. tragic loss. forever missed. I'm sure it's back to where it belongs, Homebargains umbrella heaven. 

After grieving, I had a wine night by myself in my uni home and randomly got the inspiration to DIY. So I cut it up into strips and glued it on to my dungarees! Next time I DIY I shall try and remember to take step by step pics. I loved the outcome, by far my fav DIY! 
[In the process of doing an experimental diy on some £2.50 mum jeans from the charity shop. fingers crossed!]

2) The section will be from the heart.
A self-introspective health check of sorts
For the most part, I am in a great place.

  • Going into 3rd year, reaaaaallly hoping to graduate with 1st if I work hard. Finished 2nd year with a solid 2:1. So it's achievable. Fingers crossed !!
  • Finished my internship at a super company, and met some kind hearted folks, couldn't have gotten a better place with better people. 
  • I know round about what I want to get into. Still vague nonetheless but hey who bloody knows exactly what they are doing with their lives at 20!!!!! [ all my medic friends and that kid from Child Genius...] 
  • My mental health is strong and stable at the moment, although just like the tories, my mind is always ripe and ready to make cuts to my health care. But that's just me being cynical. I should stop anticipating a breakdown. Instead, I should listen to @Bonjourchloeblog and charge my chakra. :)
  • I'm motivated ready to blog more, paint more, draw more, create more - L I V E !!
  • I want wine... [ that's irrelevant, just wanted to let you know.]

Lastly, I wanted to mention a little about what I want for my blog.

  • I want my blog to be a reflection of me and what I value. One of those values that I place at the top of the ladder is authenticity and truthfulness of character.
    I can't stress how much I crumble as a human when I find myself in environments where I feel don't emit that. This space is free. This space is unapologetic. This space...can't be tamed*.
  • I personally don't want cookie cutter. I support blogs who portray the best picture of their lives- that's dope for them. But for me, I want to take Insta stories where I look like I have ingested a liter of dope. [love drinking dope me]. I still feel super insecure, but I want to show the good, the bad, the ugly, the dope fiend. I want to beat the voice in my head. I want transparency.
  • I want a tight blog community. I want interaction. That is my aim. That is my goal. 
  • My other goal is to write opinion pieces that make people think and question themselves- whether they disagree or not- I do not give a shit. Tell me why? Talk to me? I'd like to understand and have fab discourse. [It's a dead give away that someone studies some sort of humanities when they say discourse instead of discussion/chat/natter/banta]
* Credit to Miley, she ain't tamed at all. 

Thank you my bodacious rainbow babes for reading,
Have a good one.

tea x x

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  1. I just love your blog Tea x

    1. Oh wow, just saw this. thank you so so much kind stranger :)
      [or someone i know] [the mystery of it all !!]

