vibrantly yellow ~ hi hi kind faces!!! Yellow is my favourite colour. I mean, thats not technically true. Actually that’s a bar...

vibrantly yellow ~

hi hi kind faces!!!

Yellow is my favourite colour. I mean, thats not technically true. Actually that’s a barefaced lie. I wish I didn't have to lie - but I lie. I lie because I know society vilifies people like me. For once its not my melanin, nor is it my gender. You see, I am polyamorous…with colour. I lust after the bold allure of a sensual block of crimson red, but I'm also seduced by a sensual splash of fuchsia. [I am indeed pretentious enough to use the word fuchsia, I aim to be at the level where I can utter the words blood orange. I mean really- 2018 goals]. Society really seems to render its monogamous agenda to us promiscuous colour folk. I mean, think about it, the last time I voiced "all of them" as a response to "what's your favourite colour?"; I was greeted with hostility. This is the society we live in.

Hence, I've been coerced into fraudulently selecting yellow. Although I do adore yellow, and I guess it is somewhat my fav'. Nothing beats the rush of a rainbow coloured anything and everything*. So as ode to all you closeted colour whores- I've decided to do a scintillating colour collective series. Whereby I create a blog post a day for a week, with each day inculcating a particular colour of the day. (sometimes a colour and its content will be in matrimony, but probs mainly just for aesthetic lustful pleasure! We shall commence with the BIG DOG:
*(sidenote: that’s the main reason I dig lulutrixabelle&ConffettiCrowd). 

Vibrantly yellow ~

I called this post 'vibrantly yellow' because that’s the vibe I want to outward/inwards emit, I want to cause a vibrant glow of warm radiation to others and, more importantly, myself. To me yellow is strong and warm and bold. All of which I want to be.

Recently I had an interview for an opportunity to intern for a really snazzy [bringing that word back] company in London. I was plenty nervous before hand, weirdly calm and collected during, and plenty frazzled after. I kept thinking of how much I wanted to get it. But also I was carry a massive weighty bag full of self-doubt.  Which is something I'm working on, being more self assured that I am no less capable or less worthy of something as the next chick/fella. I was talking to my friend on the phone the day after the interview, reiterating how it went well but 'because of so and so' I don’t think I will get it. As I was spurting all my fabricated faults, I got a call informing me that I got it! I was so happy, my grin high as the celling; all that self doubting was for nothing. Even if I didn’t get it, it doesn’t and shouldn't dismantle my confidence in myself as a person. I'm learning to be vibrantly yellow to myself, that means constantly generating relentlessly positive energy to yourself and others.  [sound like a right hippy don’t I? you love it don’t you? Same.]

Also, the interview triggered something equally as great! I am entering 3rd year of uni, studying politics [which I enjoy! !]. But for the longest time, like 98.99% of university students [most graduates and even amongst those far far past their late 20's]  I was in that messy limbo of not knowing exactly what I wanted to do. It was a source of much tension in my head. However a couple of months ago I started seriously pondering about it. And I realised a couple things about what I want in a potential career- I want to:

  • Keep the creative in me alive
This takes precedent ! ! ! My lovely supportive parents prefer me to trod to the beat of their drum and assume the suit and tie of a corporate canary wharf worker bee. And in all honesty I just don’t think that is the right environment for me to flourish. If my quirky creative self has to be stifled for me to succeed in a career- I may have to take the path less traveled. [AS-level English coming in handy, good ol' Frost]

  • Teamwork is the dream-work
I like the idea of collective work. Lovely people, creating something to be proud of = dream. Although I do like independent work, as I can be kind of a perfectionist when it comes to producing and designing. But I also thrive being surrounded by nice people who can constructively give their own take and perspectives.

  • Stability
I want something that will give me the means to live comfortably with a regular schedule. Where I also can afford to have time to have spontaneity in my off-work periods.

With all this in mind, the idea of Marketing/PR work I felt best suited my preferences. And I've come to get really excited about the prospects to delving more into this idea. I feel like for the first time in a long time, I feel not only motivated but excited about something. I can set myself goals which I want to do, whereas before I felt a little lost.

 So cheers to that! I have no bloody idea where the future will take me, but I will be vibrantly yellow along the way!

Thanks for reading ya cutie,

Tea x

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  1. I really love your writeup.. Its all what in my head that I rarely say..the lie part, we give people what we want them to know, even when we say the truth, they don't care..colorful.. For the vibrant color I would rather radiate a royal purple or an honest and calm sky blue

    1. Hey sola!! I just saw your comment, thanks so much :) and people should be more uncomfortably honest - including myself! oooh royal purple is nice !!

      tea x x

